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Jesus sees everyone with compassion, whether they are diseased, foreign, possessed, epileptic, paralysed, in pain – no one is inconsequential.

Who could you see with fresh eyes this week?

Who are those that our world easily looks past, dismisses or avoids?

That’s who Jesus sees with compassion. 

Watch for it this week, take a pic/video/write a thought & share it here, on Instagram or WPBC blog (include #faceofjesustoday.) 

1 Comment

Cheryl over 2 years ago

When I looked at a bus stop I drove by today I thought...
My eyes alone see ...a bunch of people at the bus stop.

Seen through #faceofjesustoday there were ... 13 individuals, each with their own characters, histories, concerns, joys, struggles, strengths, names fully known, loved and seen by Jesus.

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