We are taking another shot, retooling a blog from the previous decade (Afterthoughts) to give us another chance to have conversations, as we remain physically distanced from one another.
Peter, joined later by Ron, took patient care with Afterthoughts. It began with Peter’s passion for connection within the WPBC family through the summer months as vacations and travel interrupted our regular contact with one another. The blog offered these two introverts and strong men of faith a great way to initiate and foster conversations and reflections on the Sunday messages. It outgrew the first summer and lasted years, until 2016.
Within a matter of weeks of Ron’s passing, the COVID 19 pandemic thrust us headlong into a digital world in which we seek connection despite our physical distance. Some of us are old-hands and some are pilgrims, new to the road. This legacy of Afterthoughts rolls off the fingers of God to offer us a familiar tool to find connection through the distance we must safely keep.
Though we can’t ‘be’ together, these stories and conversations remind us that we still BELONG, even when we are physically separated. In this way, we share and proclaim God’s presence in our midst, we bear witness to his provision in our lives. There is room for everyone in these conversations, and each voice will contribute (except for the Russian hacker with the potty-mouth).
Tell us what you are doing, what you’re thinking about, reading … or not doing (ha!)! I’ll start!
To those who’ve noticed, I descend stairs backwards owing to a knee injury. I found an unavoidable exercise to work on that. Every time I reheat a cup of coffee (insert laugh track) I am practicing squats! There is so much to be thankful for, including each one of you.