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By Fenix George

"Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble,
    and he saved them from their distress.
He brought them out of darkness, the utter darkness,
    and broke away their chains.
Let them give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love
    and his wonderful deeds for mankind,
for he breaks down gates of bronze
    and cuts through bars of iron." (Psalm 107: 13-16)

We all encounter hardships, struggles and even situations where we feel we can never get out of. This is most believable when things seem to get even more worse than possible. It's easy to give up, and so sometimes, we do.  What this verse means to me is that, as long as we're still breathing and waking up every morning, it's another day and another chance to work towards the outcomes we may want, and/or find that strength we once owned. I've been through many obstacles and am currently going through them. Yes, sometimes I do feel like throwing in the towel; it just seems so easy. But that's just it, it's too easy. Things that are worth it are never that easy. I know that any bad situation I've faced, I've managed to pull through and push forward. And as much as I may feel that my current obstacles are hard to get through, I can't give up because I've done this before. I've experienced similar tests, and similar feelings before. With my faith, I do know that everything will be okay. Most important, no matter the struggle or hardship, it's important to stay grateful. Gratitude also brings forth positivity and healing. It definitely is beneficial to find the good in every situation. There is a God and he is definitely on our side.


San about 8 years ago

Good note. Sometimes we want to give up, and finally we dare to hope, to contemplate the idea, 'Let's keep trying and thanking God for ALL of what's okay, what helps.

John Frogley-Rawson about 8 years ago

Thank you Fenix. Your words and experience encourage us all. As you suggest we need to keep things in perspective and never give up.

Ron Morrow about 8 years ago

"There is a God and he is definitely on our side." Thank you for those encouraging words, Fenix. We may not always feel grateful about the circumstances in which we find ourselves, but may we always be comforted by the knowledge that God is on our side.

Mary Ann Blaksley about 8 years ago

Fenix, thank you for sharing such a wonderful reflection from Psalm 107. Never give up your faith or confidence in God. Jesus is with you and is touched with the feeling of your infirmities as He was tempted in every way , yet without sin. (Heb. 4:15) Fenix, the bible tells us that: "No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us."
( Rom. 8:37.) My prayers are with you.

Cherrylin Roache almost 8 years ago

Thank you Fenix for your words of inspiration and reflection. When you stand in and with God you are always reminded that you are not alone in your struggles, and that he will pick you up and carry you through and then past them. What a testimony to an awesome God we serve!

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