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[Find out more about the "Walking the Line"]



san nolte about 3 years ago

Yes, truly, each day we are called to walk that line. So, so easy to forget. Thankfully, Yahweh is with us, each hour of each day.

Natalie about 3 years ago

Walking that line together. Needed that today.

John Frogley-Rawson about 3 years ago

When facing anxiety, Alan reminds us that being grateful is where I should start. For me, being grateful means thinking about why I have built my life on Jesus Christ in the first place. So, no matter what circumstance or problem I am facing, Jesus loves me, he always forgives me and he proved it by dying for me. This is the foundation of my life. Others build their foundation on something they have built for themselves and when circumstances of the world change their foundation is lost.

Shawn about 3 years ago

This is one of my fav portions of Matthew, the idea of not worrying…putting your best foot forward and leaving the rest to Jesus. I have tried to make that my way, often reminding myself by uttering “who by worrying will add a single hour to their life?”

While not always successful, for the most part life seems more simple when we focus on today. Walking the line with Jesus means, to me, accepting what’s done in the past, living the present with a set of values that honour God and setting a plan for the future knowing that it may change as God sees fit…but knowing if it changes it’s because Gif is pointing something out to us.

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