October 2020
Greetings Church Family,
We know Advent and Christmas are just around the corner—a tender time to celebrate our Lord’s breaking into our world to dwell among us. Never have we felt the urgency of His presence so acutely as we do in this pandemic season.
With the Advent season soon approaching, the Leadership team would like to plan for a “soft reopening”—i.e. provisional and hopeful—on November 29. It has been seven months since we have gathered together—yes, it has been that long!—and we have chosen to physically distance ourselves from one another for the safety and care of each other. The same motivation will be the priority as we plan for an in-person worship re-opening.
As we move forward with plans to reopen, we will continue to follow the news and listen closely to the Ontario Government guidelines and recommendations for gatherings.
We still need volunteers to help us prepare for church reopening. If we do not have enough people to help, we will be unable to reopen.
If you are able to volunteer or have any further questions, please contact us at theoffice@westonparkbaptist.org or call 416-241-3861. We look forward to hearing from you.
Leadership Team