For over a year Adam House has been in the planning stages of a substantial renovation to our house on Gladstone Ave. We now estimate that we are about 2 months from the renovation start date.
We have given all our residents notice to find alternative accommodations by mid-March; however, with the difficult housing market, it is possible that some of our clients will not succeed. We would like to assist by finding hosts in the community that might be able to accommodate them, if that becomes necessary. The temporary accommodation period would be for a maximum of 3 months, during which time the client would be searching for a more permanent rental situation. We are looking for free accommodation or up to a maximum $400 to assist hosts with costs.
We are also looking for long-term rental units. If you have a room or apartment to rent, would you consider renting to a refugee?
If you can assist with either of these requests, please contact Lucy at