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“Nobody tells us what Jesus looked like, yet of course the New Testament itself is what he looked like, and we read his face there in the faces of all the ones he touched or failed to touch.” (Frederick Buechner, The Faces of Jesus) 

Weston Park is going to look for the face of Jesus all around us and share what we see, hear, & learn through pics, video, audio or text.

Each Monday of Lent we will post a story from Jesus’ life on WPBC's blog, Instagram, & Twitter (#faceofjesustoday) along with a “face” of Jesus can be seen. From there we slow down and start looking, start listening – is there somewhere in your week that you see that characteristic of Jesus? Do you see the “face of Jesus” in those around you or in your surroundings?

We hope you will take a moment to capture it on your phone (pic/sound/video/text) and share it on Instagram, Twitter or on 

Together let’s help each  other see more of Jesus in the world around us. 

 First Story: Monday, March 7 – watch for it!