INTERCULTURAL MISSION TRIP - Planning for our 2025 Trip

Bolivia Mission Trip Applications Available!

Are you ready to make a difference and share God’s love? Join us on an incredible journey to Bolivia! Applications for the upcoming mission trip are now available at the church.

Don’t miss this opportunity to serve, grow, and experience God’s work in action. Picking up your application is the first step towards an unforgettable experience!

For more information, contact Pastor Tom (

Over the past ten years we have been working with Ivan Gutierrez and the church he leads in Cochabamba, Bolivia (‘Iglesia Bautista Nacional Renacer’-‘Reborn National Baptist Church’ which is part of the National Baptist Convention). Over this time we have sent three different mission teams to Bolivia to work with Ivan on different projects in both city and rural environs. Pastor Alan has even a longer shared history with Ivan and his ministries in Bolivia stretching back some twenty years. We continue to develop this shared ministry with Pastor Ivan and will be looking to send a team to Cochabamba in the late fall of 2023 (estimated time is November 2023).

Our two churches share a love for both the vibrant worship of God and the preaching and study of the word of God. We share in the love of musical and demonstrative praise of God as well as sharing the love of Jesus in practical ways throughout the community. We minister in different contexts but learn from each other throughout the year with regular conversations, prayer, zoom connections, and on-site visits.

Please be in prayer for our partnership (as two churches that share deep historical connections) that we will grow, learn, and glorify our triune God together over the coming years.